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The Boston Home Institute

University of Michigan Study: Effects of inspiratory muscle training in advanced multiple sclerosis

The Boston Home Institute partnered with researchers from the University of Michigan-Flint to study the impact of respiratory exercise using Threshold Inspiratory Muscle Trainer (IMT) for people with advanced multiple sclerosis. The study showed a significant improvement in respiratory muscle strength, with benefits sustained 8 weeks after the training program was completed.   

"People with MS often experience impairments in strength and endurance of muscles for respiration. People with weak respiratory muscles may need to use more effort for breathing and this can limit a person's ability to participate in activities. Complications from breathing problems, such as pneumonia, are the most frequent reasons for critical illness and deaths, particularly as the disease progresses."

"We were able to demonstrate that even persons with severe MS who are wheelchair-bound and cannot walk still have the capacity to improve strength for muscles for breathing. The training also was well tolerated by patients, and no side effects were reported."

Dr. Min Huang, PT, PhD
 Associate Professor of Physical Therapy at UM-Flint

Learn more about The Boston Home Institute's work with the University of Michigan-Flint

UM-Flint Now: Better Breathing for People with MS Thanks to UM-Flint Research

NIH National Library of Medicine: Effects of Inspiratory Muscle Training in Advanced Multiple Sclerosis

The Journal of Nursing Home Research: Effects of Resistive Inspiratory Exercise on  Activity Participation, Fatigue, and Respiratory Infections in Persons with Advanced Multiple Sclerosis Living in a Long-Term Care Facility
