CASA-MS is a groundbreaking research study driven by the partnership between The Boston Home Institute (TBHI) and the University at Buffalo Neuroimaging Analysis Center (BNAC) toward a shared goal of better understanding why 5-10% of people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) become significantly disabled while others do not. The study, a Comprehensive Assessment of Severely Affected Multiple Sclerosis, seeks to address the glaring lack of research currently available to document the experiences of people living with the most disabling forms of MS. Outcomes from the study could help clinicians identify those at high risk, and inform future treatments. CASA-MS researchers have matched residents of The Boston Home (TBH) with individuals living with less severe forms of MS according to study criteria such as age, gender, and date of diagnosis. Since the study launched in 2019, all participants have completed an extensive series of cognitive and motor function tests, as well as interviews and MRI analysis. With Phase 1 of the study complete, clinicians from both TBHI and BNAC are beginning to share their findings with the broader MS community.

Left to right: Alex Burnham; Michael Dwyer; Robert Zivadinov; Ferdinand Schweser; Christine Reilly;
Jessica Reilly, Larry Montani; David Young-Hong.
About the CASA-MS Logo
Just as The CASA-MS study is a partnership between BNAC and The Boston Home, our logo is a pairing of two paintings by artists with advanced MS: Rhonda, a current resident of The Boston Home, and Mary Jo, a past resident. Rhonda and Mary Jo shared friendship, the challenges of living with MS, and the joy of painting in The Boston Home’s popular watercolor program, which offers individualized instruction and adaptive art equipment. In the CASA-MS logo, Mary Jo’s sun rises over Rhonda’s casa. We hope that the CASA-MS study will contribute to a new day dawning for people with advanced MS.